Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dirty little secret

Okay, it's not much of a secret but it is dirty. My Nikon D610 sensor that is.

I was really dismayed when I returned from my trip to Oregon and Washington and started processing the Nikon pics and found spots on my images.

In this image you can see the spots in the upper left corner area (click on it to open a larger version).

Three Arch Rocks image - spots in upper left corner
I had recently had the sensor cleaned, on 4/2/2015. I have used it a bit since then but hadn't had any spots until processing the pics from this trip. I have been pretty careful about where and when I changed lenses, typically only doing it in the Exploder. There have been a few times that I've done it in the field but I always do it by prepping the lenses (loosening the cap, getting it ready for the swap) and when I have a lens off the body I keep the lens mount facing down to reduce the chances of particles entering the body. I make the swap as quick as possible and finish by putting the cap on the previous lens, if there was one.

I'm pretty sure that whatever is on the sensor is NOT a dust particle but is more likely to be more oil splatter. I say that because it's in the same spot on each picture and I have the sensor cleaner running each time I power off the camera.

I can see I will be returning the camera to Tempe Camera again for another cleaning. I don't mind paying for a cleaning but I was hoping it might only be once or twice per year. At this rate it's about three times per year.

An alternative is to learn how to clean the sensor myself and the next time I start seeing spots, if it's only another 4 months down the road, I may venture into that process.

As an aside to this issue, I had really been thinking of upgrading to the Nikon D810 but this has reduced my enthusiasm for spending about $3,000 on another body when this one has this type of issue. I want to believe that the oil issue with the D600 was actually fixed in the D610 but after these experiences I'm left somewhat skeptical.

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