Monday, August 29, 2016

Counting down to Yosemite

With about a week to go before I hit the road for my Yosemite trip, I find I can't think of much else. My wife probably wishes I'd give some consideration to our anniversary but that is is a struggle!

I'm excited to see Yosemite for the first time, but I know my experience is not going to include the best the park has to offer. Spring time is the best time for viewing the waterfalls. When I look at the live webcam of Yosemite Falls, I'm a bit underwhelmed. There appears to be zero water coming over the falls. I'm guessing the rest of the falls are similar. I can't tell how the Merced river is, but I'm guessing that it too will be less spectacular than other times.

I've known that would likely be the case when I made these reservations but I still had to go. I had wanted to go earlier in the year but due to surgeries and other health issues I was unable to. I decided I still had to get out somewhere this year and Yosemite grabbed my attention even with the diminished waterfalls.

I figured that if nothing else, I'd be able to do some scouting as well as see the granite and Tuolumne Meadows. Plus, I'm going to visit Sequoia and King's Canyon National Parks, and I may add a night at Joshua Tree National Park.

I'm just excited to get out and visit somewhere new. The crowds should be thinned out a bit now that a lot of schools have resumed. Who knows, with the waterfalls dried up there may be an opportunity for photographs that only become available at this time of year!

And, I'm already trying to figure out a plan to re-visit the North Rim of the Grand Canyon before the end of the year. Plus my brother Rick and I are talking about something in Colorado where he lives (Rocky Mountain National Park or Mesa Verde National Park). I sure hope that this trajectory continues and I get to experience more of our nation's parks on their 100th Birthday - Centenial Year!

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