Thursday, April 3, 2014


Garbage In - No Garbage Out

I am still here - just haven't shot any pictures or done anything noteworthy with my camera for a couple of weeks now...

I did go to a couple of local parks over the last two weekends, I just didn't take any pictures. My wife and I took our dogs out, mainly so our Pomeranian Alvin can see some more scenery before we loose him. And with four dogs between us, I just don't have much luck taking a camera too.

Last weekend we were by Phoenix International Raceway (PIR), where the NASCAR races happen. We were at the Gila and Salt River Meridian BLM preserve. I wish I could say it was pleasant but it was at best a mixed visit. Alvin enjoyed laying down in the cool river water. But the trash is despicable. I hate how people leave their garbage around that area. That's one of the reasons (garbage) that another area near me, the Tres Rios Wetlands, is no longer open to the public.

It's such a shame that inconsiderate people have to cause the rest of the population to suffer. I have a hard time dealing with stuff like that, being a military war vet. On the one hand, at one time I swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution which, to me, meant doing my part to protect my country and it's citizens from "evil-doers". On the other hand, when I see what some of those same citizens (and that's an assumption on my part - that the people dirtying up the landscape are truly citizens), I don't feel as much pride in having protected those folks.

If I had my way all the trash would be picked up and dumped on their front lawns. The problem is, they're probably renters in some slum area where the extra trash wouldn't be noticeable anyway. Perhaps if the trash were dumped in their car or on their bed they might get offended and maybe even realize what they're doing to what could be a very nice stretch of river.

Arizona has a fragile ecology. Maybe it's not much more fragile than some other places, but with the lack of rain or humidity, stuff just doesn't get removed or buried here. And it's hot for the generous people that go out and pick up trash left behind by the dregs. I just wish there were more fines or penalties for people who get caught littering. Wishful thinking, I imagine.

That's what makes me appreciate the places that aren't right in the Phoenix area. Those same low-lifes likely can't afford to drive to the more remote parks. I don't remember seeing one piece of trash at the Chiricahua National Monument.

Next Steps

Barring any new developments from my dog Alvin, I'm hoping to get up to the Flagstaff area this next weekend. I want to visit Walnut Canyon and Waputki as well as Lowell Observatory.

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