Monday, January 2, 2017

New Years Bitching!

Bitch #1

I have a bitch that ticks me off enough after starting my browser to write a blog (about something else) that I just have to comment on it - it's about Windows 7. I don't know if it applies to any of the newer Windoze versions because I haven't used them and don't intend to until I'm forced to.

I really effing hate how apps can steal focus from other apps such as when they're starting up. Windows XP and earlier versions had a setting you could change to prevent this (although even then it wasn't through the normal interface - you had to use a TweakUI or direct registry setting to do it). This issue is one of the things that has and still does point out that the toy desktop operating system developers at Monkeysoft have never had much real world experience with time sharing like the old mainframes had down pat.

Bitch #2

I wrote Bitch #1 due to firing up Lightroom while I was starting this blog and Lightroom kept taking focus away from my browser. One of the things it stole focus for was because my SmugMug plugin has to be configured every effing time I start Lightroom. I've looked online for solutions to that and contacted SmugMug themselves but have not got a solution that works.

Again, some half butt software developers that do not fix issues that they've been made aware of countless times by countless users (no, I'm not the only person to notice and complain about these 2 bitches to the guilty parties). We all just tend to grudgingly tolerate the crap that comes along with other stuff that we find just good enough to use.

It's because of these 2 bitches that I will probably finally try a Mac for my next computer, especially since I no longer really need the ability to run Windows base recording software (Cakewalk, another author of software that degraded and has lost me as a customer). I am also looking for a different place to host my pictures online. I just don't want to write software for that myself!

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