Thursday, July 28, 2016

My Photography Bug

This has not been a good year for me health-wise. 

I started in January by losing a bit of eye-sight in my left eye. It's not permanent but it's so minor that the doctor's won't operate on it. The bad thing is that the default is right in the center of my vision. It really bothers me to read because I can only see about 2-3 letters of a word with my left eye. The good thing is that I use my right eye to look through the view finder of my DSLRs.

Then I started having sinus issues (well, I started those the previous November or December, they just got significantly worse starting in January. I went through various treatments with my allergist, then through 2 surgeries from my E.N.T. I just met with him again this last Monday and he's saying I may need a third surgery. Hooray, a surgery every 2 months! This has been the most traumatic issue - it's kept me from getting outdoors with my DSLR other than maybe half a dozen days for the first 7 months of the year. And, I just bought a new lens shortly before this last go-around. I've maybe taken 25 images with that $1,400 lens!

I had to have a dental crown installed. During the course of that I got lockjaw that prevented me from opening my mouth far enough to eat a sandwich. I couldn't get my index finger into my mouth. And, it made it painful to sneeze which my allergies tried to ruthlessly impose. I underwent about 5 weeks of physical therapy to resolve that issue.

Overall I've had maybe 5 weeks in 7 months where I haven't felt pretty crappy and missing work.

What I have realized, however, is that the photography bug is even more powerful than my other bugs. All I've though about is how depressing it is to not be out in the wilderness, even to the extent that I do it, and to not being taking photographs. And, I've thought about how important it has become to me to get outdoors and to try to shoot photographs since starting this hobby 3 years ago. I am very pleased with what this hobby has done for me. I had not been getting outdoors much for quite a few years before picking this photography hobby up.

And now, as August is just around the corner, I have made reservations to visit Yosemite National Park for the first time at the beginning of September. Barring another surgery, I am looking forward to the trip very much - to the exclusion of most other things! I know it's not the best time of year to go - I'd actually hoped to get out there in the spring - but I don't care now. Even if it's not the best time of year for photography I can enjoy the park and scout out photography locations. 

Don't get me wrong - I'm sure I'll still take a photograph or two. But since it's only about a 10 hour drive, there's no reason I can't get over there more. I just hope I don't have any other bugs that prevent me from going!

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